Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Still Smalll Voice

Its really hard to feel the spirit when things happen. Today our water pipe burst and our downstairs is flooded. No one meant for something like this to happen, its just something that we have to deal with. But its hard to feel the spirit when there is yelling and anger all around, especially in a time when we need it the most. The holy ghost is here to help and guide us, but how can we listen to it and heed its words when we can't hear him. My friend Chamae told me yesterday about an experience she had while driving here from Colorado; She talked about how she'd been driving for a long time and she entered a construction zone that told her to merge left. She could hear the spirit telling her to follow the sign, but she decided against it. There are so many other stories, much like this. We are given the gift of the Holy Ghost for a specific reason, but what does it do if we ignore it? I want to follow it always, but I'm also human.

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