Saturday, August 20, 2011

Getting Real

So summer was amazing! Girls camp, Youth conference, Efy, and hanging out with friends. I don't remember ever having so much fun and felling the spirit as powerful as i did. What really hit me was when I got home from all of that and started preparing for school, anyway what hit me was how different real life is. The devil is everywhere and no joke it is really hard to stay away from everything. It sucks how much sex, drugs and cussing shows up in our society; and how hard it is to reject it all. It stinks how jealousy and gossip slink through the cliques of high school like a snake in water. I don't want to be one of the people who supports this stuff, but unfortunately I have been. I'm going to change that, its not going to be easy but i will do it. I just need a little help.

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