Saturday, July 23, 2011


Girls camp and EFY were both such amazing experiences. I don't think I've ever had so much fun! Being a youth leader changes everything, you think about the activities differently. I'm so glad I got to help plan the night hike on Joseph Smith. It really strengthened my testimony of him. I absolutely loved EFY!!! My company was awesome, and I gained so many friends. Getting to do things I don't usually do either because I never did them or had lost faith in doing them really helped me. Reading my scriptures was a big thing, but I think the most important thing was writing down the thoughts that came to me during that time. I knew that they were directed toward me, because of the power behind the words, and the feeling that came with them. I also got to build my testimony by simply testifying of Christ through song. I was able to sing a solo in the music program, and hearing what people had to say about my solo and the music program in general really helped me. And seeing it strengthen others really helps me to feel the spirit. I love everyone I met there, and wish I could have stayed longer. I loved the feeling I had there, and want to keep it with me the rest of my life; but taking it home is a lot harder then it seems. I want my family to feel it too, and know how much the Lord loves them. But I'm scared, I'm not sure how to share it with them. I wish we could start doing scriptures again, or family home evening. Simple things like that help so much.... I hope they understand how much I love them.

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