Sunday, March 14, 2010

Who I am

Hey to all.... I guess most of u know by now that I haven't been having the easiest time in my life. Things have always been difficult, but I am determined that they will get better. Right now they are! I've been doing some stuff to get my life back in order. I've been reading the scriptures and praying a lot about what I am supposed to do. In the last few weeks I've let go of a couple of friends but gained some really good ones in return. As for school... well it sucks! lol my grades aren't the best at the moment.. but i hope to be able to turn that around pretty soon. My favorite subject is music.. I play the cello in the freshman orchestra right now. We just had auditions for next year and I'm really freaked out... I hope that I did well. I'm trying to catch up in my classes to make up for all the time I've missed. Maybe I'll even end up with A's and B's... heh.. wouldn't that be nice.
Hmmm... what else? well I've got a lot going on this summer; I have P.E online summer school, Young Women's camp, Youth conference, and EFY!!! It is a lot to be taking on... but its gonna be a blast! Never done efy before and I'm excited...I'm going to be bunking with one of the sweetest people I know... JANET!! Hehehe... we are going to have so much fun! Then after my totally crazy summer I start my sophmore year... not only does it mean I'm not stuck in the "daycare" center but it also means that this year I turn 16!!!! I can't wait to start dating... my only fear is that no one will ask me out... is that a bad thing? lol... turning 16 also means that I get to start driving! Since I can't do driver's ed, I have to wait till I'm 16 to get my permit... so totally sucks.. but I can wait.
I miss all my friends out in utah... and can't wait to see them! Especially Carmen, Meaghan, and Jacob! Maybe I'll get to see them when their semester ends... I guess right now thats all I have to say... but I'll keep u as updated as I can... (meaning I'll try not to forget to update this... hehehe)

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