Thursday, May 19, 2011

Faded Memory

Heart beats slow and unconnected
Breathing seems to stop
Don't let me slip and fall
Come back, lift me up
Your picture in the corner
your fading memory
Please come back to me
The once pure gleam of your
sparkling smile
Now nothing more than a dream.
Running mile after mile
reaching out to you.

The warmth you once brought with you
grows cold as the seasons change
You left so quick, so sudden
with no more then a whispered "Good-bye"
Help me feel your warmth again deep down inside.

Speak words of strength to me once more.
Teach me what I need to know
Guide me on my way
I'm reaching out to take your hand
entwine your fingers in mine
Turn, come back to me
Hold me tight in your arms
Don't let your life become
nothing more than a faded memory.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I've been thinking a lot about where I was a couple years ago compared to where I am now. I don't know where I wold be without my friends and my loved ones. there are so many things that they've done that I'll never be able to repay them for. I'm so happy to have the friends I do; although they are few my friends are the best things that ever happened to me. Thanks :)